Good movie, but it doesn't live up to the hype - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Don't take my review the wrong I thought The Last Crusade was a good, fun movie to watch, but there's almost a little to much cheesiness to it. I felt as though even though I would have enjoyed it more if it were a younger version of myself watching. Regardless, it was a quality film, with great action scenes, and although it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat, I finally got to see what all the hype was about.

 Steven Spielburg is definitely has some of the best family movies, but I really liked his other pieces, like Jaws and E.T much better I look forward to finishing watching the other movies in the trilogy I have missed. I know the majority of people will disagree with my comments, and probably more so with my rating, but 6 stars out of 10 is still a good movie, maybe not fantastic, but still good.

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